On Friday September 7th, FME SUSOLTECH in collaboration with the Norwegian Solar Energy Cluster, the Norwegian Solar Energy Association and BIPV Norway arranged a full-day workshop on Building-Integrated PV (BIPV) systems: “BIPV-dagen”.

An exciting program was set up, with presenters from a large part of the project value chain for such systems. Firstly, the FME SUSOLTECH center director Erik Marstein presented the forthcoming “BIPV status in Norway”-report. This will be published before Christmas this year on the FME SUSOLTECH website, in addition to the websites of the collaborating institutions of BIPV-dagen.

Thereafter several projects were presented. Code and IFE presented Oslo Solar, a planned tall-rise building in Oslo. Undervisningsbygg and NCC presented the recently constructed Brynseng skole. FUSen presented the Solar Emerald (“Solsmaragden”), and the Belgian BIPV module producer ISSOL, which had participated in the two latter projects, also presented the aesthetical opportunities related to BIPV. Omsorgsbygg presented several BIPV projects, including the kindergarten Kilden. Multiconsult took a more overall perspective and discussed the learning from actual BIPV projects and discussed ways to improve the project flow. Finally, Sagstuen presented their new BIPV-product PowerRail, a railing with integrated solar cells.

The program nicely demonstrated both the opportunities and challenges related to the use of BIPV in Norway. There was lively discussion throughout the entire workshop. Close to 130 people attended the workshop.