Author Archives: merete

BIPV dagen 2024!

BIPV dagen 2024!

Velkommen til en hel dag fullt ut viet til bygningsintegrerte solceller (BIPV) i norske bygg.

Thank you all for a great conference at NSCC 2024

Thank you all for a great conference at NSCC 2024

Thank you to everyone who participated in the Norwegian Solar Cell Conference 2024! Also a special thanks to everyone who contributed with all your interesting work in the form of presentations and posters.

Centres for Environment-friendly Energy Research (FME) Conference

Centres for Environment-friendly Energy Research (FME) Conference

The 2024 FME Conference is a collaborative effort made by all Norwegian Centres for Environment-friendly Energy Research (FME).  This conference will be the first of its kind, and co-organized to facilitate high-impact dialogue among FME representatives.

PV workshop with SOLVE and FME SUSOLTECH

PV workshop with SOLVE and FME SUSOLTECH

On October 26th and 27th a delegation of researchers and PhD candidates from the Swedish solar power research centre SOLVE visited FME SUSOLTECH for a PV workshop.

The Norwegian Solar Cell Conference (NSCC) 2023!

The Norwegian Solar Cell Conference (NSCC) 2023!

Thank you to all participants at the Norwegian Solar Cell Conference (NSCC) 2023! A big thank you to all who participated at the NSCC 2023 on May 22nd and 23rd in Son and who contributed to making these two days to a great success!