Hvordan kan solcellene bli mer effektive?
Vi trenger mer solkraft. Det krever raskere utbygging og mer effektiv teknologi. Hvordan får vi det til? Energi&Klima spør forsker Kristin Bergum.
Vi trenger mer solkraft. Det krever raskere utbygging og mer effektiv teknologi. Hvordan får vi det til? Energi&Klima spør forsker Kristin Bergum.
Thank you to all participants at the Norwegian Solar Cell Conference (NSCC) 2023! A big thank you to all who participated at the NSCC 2023 on May 22nd and 23rd in Son and who contributed to making these two days to a great success!
Once again, we welcome you to the Norwegian Solar Cell Conference (NSCC) at Son Spa May 22nd - May 23rd at Son Spa
Hvordan vet vi at solcellepaneler fungerer som de skal? Forsker Marija Vukovic utvikler en ny og effektiv metode for å finne skader på solcellepaneler.
Who should attend: Professionals (operation and research engineers) in the industry, Researchers and Postgraduate students.
"Buildings consume around one-third of the world’s energy and are responsible for 40% of greenhouse gas emissions. Reducing carbon emissions and using renewable clean energy in buildings are essential to achieve the goals of the carbon neutrality for all of society. Integrating solar panels into buildings is one of the most promising ways to reduce carbon emissions and support a sustainable future."
Who should attend: Professionals (operation and research engineers) in the industry, Researchers and Postgraduate students.
Formene solcellematerialet lages i, påvirker både produksjonsprosessen og kvaliteten på ferdige solceller. Hvordan kan man lage dem best mulig? – Det forsker jeg på.