Webinar on 26th of June, 10:00
The SuSolTech partners REC Solar Norway, Norsun and Norwegian Crystals produce silicon for the world’s most environmentally friendly solar cells in a very competitive market. Only a few markets give an advantage to the solar cells with the lowest CO2-footprint. This challenge for the Norwegian producers is discussed in this recent opinion piece in Teknisk Ukeblad by SINTEF researchers and REC Solar Norway: https://www.tu.no/artikler/det-er-ikke-okonomisk-lonnsomt-a-produsere-de-mest-miljovennlige-solcellene/488967. In addition to include requirements on CO2-footprint in future tenders, an increasingly environmentally conscious building industry can play a role in increasing demand for low CO2-footprint solar energy products. By adding environmental declarations on solar energy products, making informed decisions whether to include solar energy in the building projects will become safer an simpler. An increasing number of building projects, both in Norway and globally, utilize different sustainability certifications (e.g. LEED, BREEAM) and life cycle assessments. Until now updated, standardized and product specific environmental data for solar cells on the market have not been available which has resulted in decisions made based on often outdated information.
Because of the recognized need in the market for environmental declarations and the market leading CO2 footprint of Norwegian silicon, EPD Norway has taken the initiative together with the public sector, the Norwegian Solar Energy Cluster and FME SuSolTech, to lay the framework for European wide environmental declarations, the EPD (Environmental Product Declarations), by preparing a PCR (product category rules) document.
FME SuSolTech Work Package leader Sean Erik Foss, responsible for the center task on sustainability, coordinated FME SuSolTech’s contribution to the PCR process.
This PCR is now ready and will be presented in a Webinar organized by the Solar Energy Cluster on June 26th, at 10:00. Follow the link to register and get more information http://solenergiklyngen.no/aktiviteter/webinar-sustainablemanufacturingofpv/
The PCR can be found here.