To highlight the commonalities, display excellent research apart from your own field, and encourage cross-disciplinary thinking, we invite you to the WP3-WP4 common meeting on Monday May 3rd and Tuesday May 4th.

We have identified BIPV and high efficiency modules as two research areas where both work packages have significant research activities. Hence, day 1 of the meeting will focus on these two topics. We are very excited to hear the perspectives of Equinor and FUSen as well as the excellent scientists on day 1.

On day 2 of the program we want to showcase the wide range of research topics that is performed in WP3 and 4. PhDs, Postdocs and researchers will give presentations on the work they are performing in the FME SUSOLTECH-context. Day 2 of the meeting gives you a great opportunity to get to know the research your center colleagues are doing.

Unfortunately, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we are forced to hold the meeting digitally. The event will take place over Teams.

The meeting is only for Centre Partners. If you would like to participate, but have not yet recieved and invitation, please contact Heine Nygård Riise or Kristin Bergum