We are happy to announce that the full day workshop on Building Integrated Photovoltaics ("BIPV-dagen") will be arranged again this year on Friday 20th of September.
On this day we will focus on the use of solar cells as integrated parts of buildings. The first part of the program will be filled with presentations and discussions around how solar energy affect the energy system of building, while the second half will focus on specific examples of BIPV modules and projects where these have been used.
You will meet leading businesses and researchers in the field, with presentations from ASKO, Solenergi FUSen, Getek, Pixii, Multiconsult, Solitek and IFE, among others.
Like last year, the BIPV day will be arranged the day after “Solenergidagen”, which will be on the same venue on the 19th of September. You can choose to come one or both days, and there will be separate registration for each day. Food is included in the registration.
We are looking forward to see you at Ingeniørenes hus!
Note: The presentations will mainly be in Norwegian.
For registration to “BIPV-dagen 2019”, click here.
For registration to “Solenergidagen 2019”, click here.
Early bird prices available until September 5th.
Photo credit: Solenergiklyngen, Kristin Svorte.