Recent research on vaccum refining published in Langmuir
The first attempt to stop the silicon loss in the course of vacuum refining process without slowing down the rate of phosphorus removal.
The first attempt to stop the silicon loss in the course of vacuum refining process without slowing down the rate of phosphorus removal.
Snow loss modelling and bifacial performance in the Nordics, in addition to automated fault detection, module effects of microcracks and spectral irradiance quantification.
Ingrid Hallsteinsen, NTNU, will head the new activity within new solar cell consepts
Arman will defend his thesis: "Vacuum and Gas Refining of Silicon for Solar Cell Applications" on Friday 18th of June.
Et spennende program! Tid: Torsdag 3. juni kl. 09:00 – 10:30.
To highlight the commonalities, display excellent research apart from your own field, and encourage cross-disciplinary thinking, we invite you to the WP3-WP4 common meeting on Monday May 3rd and Tuesday May 4th.
This year, the University of Oslo is hosting ICDS from 26th to 30th of July.
The SuSolTech Annual Report for 2020 is now ready! The report gives a comprehensive overview of activities, partners, and people in the Center.
Work package 2 - High quality silicon ingots and wafers will host monthly meetings for the Center partners
On Friday 19th of March at 13:15, Mengyi is defending his PhD thesis on "Silicon purification by acid leaching and slag refining techniques"