The official opening of our new FME Centre SUSOLTECH was arranged in conjunction with the Norwegian Solar Cell Conference 2017, which took place in Son on May 10th 2017.
The minister of Climate and Environment, Vidar Helgesen, officially declared the Center for open by cutting a solar cell string made for the occasion.
From the left: Tone Ibenholt, senior advisor RCN, Nils Morten Huseby, managing director at IFE, Vidar Helgesen, minister of Climate and Environment, Erik S. Marstein, Centre Director SUSOLTECH
More than 100 participants attended the conference. The minister of Climate and Environment, Vidar Helgesen, officially declared the Center for open by cutting a solar cell string made for the occasion. Over the next years SUSOLTECH aims to make solar electricity even more environmentally friendly and cost effective. In his speech, the minister congratulated the participants on 8 new years with very important research within environment friendly energy. “The research and technology developed is not only important for Norway, but also for the whole world!”
More than 100 participants atteded the conference and the minister of Climate and Environment, Vidar Helgesen, was invited to officially open the Centre by cutting a solar cell cord made for the occation. The main goal of the Centre is to develop the world most environmentally friendly and efficient solar cells in collaboration with Norwegian Solar Industry. In his speach the minister congratulated the participants on 8 new years with very important research within environment friendly energy. “The research and technology developed is not only important for Norway, but also for the whole word!”.